Pandora will use recycled gold and silver from 2025


One of the world’s largest jewelers will use recycled gold and silver from 2025

There is some debate on whether gold production has already reached its limit. Pandora, one of the three largest jewelry companies that consume the most gold, has just adopted a historic decision.

The company has reported in a press release its intention to use gold and silver exclusively from recycled raw materials from 2025 onward.

The Danish jewelry firm Pandora’s decision constitutes a clear example of the influence of good governance and respect for environmental policies in the business field.

The jeweler made an announcement in a press release. In it, it said it will stop using newly produced gold and silver within five years. It will replace them with recycled metals. In total, the whole process will be completed by 2025.

As a result, according to the Danish company, this decision will help reduce carbon emissions. Hopefully, by two thirds for silver and by 99% for gold.

Currently, Pandora uses 71% of its precious recycled metals as raw material for the manufacture of its parts. It then wants to raise the percentage to 100% in five years.


Using recycled gold will emit 600 times less carbon

The use of gold and silver from recycling will reduce CO 2 emissions, water use and other harmful effects on the environment. Recycled metals consume fewer resources than those that come from mining operations.

The company’s calculations reveal that using recycled gold will emit 600 times less carbon than if they used gold from mining. 

According to Alexander Lasik, Pandora’s CEO, the need to adopt sustainable business practices is increasingly important. Therefore, companies must take response measures in the face of the climate crisis and the depletion of natural resources. For many years, Pandora has used recycled metals in its designs. It is now ready to go one step further and stop using gold and silver from mining. This is a very significant commitment. It should then serve to improve the environment and make the company’s jewelry more sustainable, Lasik stated.

The company reveals that the decision to use recycled precious metals is part of an ambitious decarbonization objective announced last January. 


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