Best personal finance books that are actually useful
While other people are naturally talented at handling and making money, many still need guidance and insight into proper money management. Many of us want instant satisfaction, especially in today’s age. It usually comes in the form of impulsive shopping, even though we know we won’t have enough money saved for important future expenses. We want to feel good when it’s not our day or when something terrible happens. But it doesn’t do you well in the long run.
It is reported that in America only, more than 75 percent of people don’t know how to manage their finances. Thus, they believe they’d be a lot happier with more money, a higher paycheck, or savings. Is there an antidote to this? Education. Perseverance. Looking and finding ways and opportunities. There are so many of us that aren’t born rich. Even if we were, we would have to learn some essential money management, or we would lose it all. Let’s see how we can educate ourselves and get a better grasp of the economy, money, and attitude.
Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School? By Cary Siegel
Siegel wrote this book thinking of all the children in schools who never got an education about how to handle money in the first place. The book relies on 99 principles, and it’s ideal if you are in your twenties. If you are not, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give this book a chance; it’s split into eight lessons that teach you about money management. Siegel doesn’t beat around the bush. Instead, he discusses the basics that will provide beneficial tactics and advice you can implement. As a result, you will see how well they work, especially if you stick to them. The book touches on every crucial money subject. Cary Siegel reached great success and retired at the age of 45.
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Kiyosaki
The book was published twenty years ago under the title, and it can be considered a half-memoir that gives you real examples and lessons that you can derive from it. It is still one of the bestselling personal finance books ever.
In “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” you will read about Kiyosaki’s childhood memories and how his father, who wasn’t wealthy, was friends with one of the wealthiest people in Hawaii. This gives you a direct blueprint of the differences and how you can work your way toward what you want to achieve as your goal. It teaches you about handling the money, anywhere from a dollar to thousands of dollars. He also emphasizes how debt is not the end of the world if you can think about solutions.
The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
This author won’t sweet talk to you. You will read the book with absolute focus because Dave Ramsey writes about money the same way he talks about it at his seminars. The book is ideal for dealing with financial debt and tackling every emergency that usually involves money. If you are not into reading at the moment, you can always listen to his Dave Ramsey Show. We still recommend you read the book. It will teach you how to work towards a retirement plan that will not stress you out and keep you stable in the long run.
The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach
The best book for learning how to make money is “The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich” because it gives you a solid plan without any sidetracking.
Maybe you don’t like real-life advice books that start like fiction, but this book also aims to show you and explain how you can start acting like the couple from the reader who has a stable financial plan, owns two homes, and has retirement savings even though they aren’t filthy rich.
Your Money or Your Life – the best book for budgeting
The authors of “Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence” are proposing the idea that living modestly can bring you more happiness than you expected.
They are talking more about the idea of general happiness and what will make you stress less over time but still have enough money. Think about how many people around you work two jobs, earn lots of money, but they are still unhappy. It’s because they are stressed, thinking about the future all the time, don’t like their work environment or maybe all of it. Yes, you should pay attention to your budget, but also pay attention to your mental health. If they offer you a job with a generous check, you know you will burn out it six months – don’t do it. You won’t be able to take the opportunity you like if you end up like that. This book is all about changing habits and what you learned about money, and realizing you should enjoy life in the meantime.
Broke Millennial by Erin Lowry (for beginners)
From the title, we can see who the book is for, and it’s ideal for learning about finances. It has an easygoing tone, and it doesn’t overwhelm you. You may get confused with so many terms, but Erin will explain everything with ease and give many tips for dealing with money in real-life situations. She includes student loans, splitting your apartment bill, and how to make your money plan. The book is fun, but it’s also useful for everyone who wants to get everything together, especially if you don’t know much about finances in general.
You Are a Badass at Making Money (Jen Sincero)
The book was published in 2017 and gave you witty, funny, and sincere advice on money.
It’s one of our favorites because you will probably be able to recognize your patterns while reading her experiences gone wrong. But she reestablished her financial habits, and she wants you to have a reality check with yourself, as well. By the end of the book, you will recognize what’s holding you back and improve your financial segment of life.
How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free by Zelinski
This book is about how to save smartly so you can retire early. It promotes a way of thinking where you can enjoy making and saving money. It also teaches you how to prepare your finances for retirement and do it well. That doesn’t necessarily include working longer to achieve this goal. The author doesn’t think you should have millions to accomplish your goals. It’s about living the best years of your life accordingly. Not when you are old, but when you are at your peak, so to say.
Secrets of Six-Figure Women by Barbara Stanny
Women are finally getting a chance to be high-paid workers. As women gain equality in the workspace, it is useful to have a book like this. The book consists of various interviews with successful women who will give you advice from their own experiences. You will notice many of them have common characteristics, which you should pay attention to.
How to worry less about money by John Armstrong
We think this book is essential because it questions the relationship you have with money. It proposes the question of how we look at money, and as you get deeper into this short but very insightful read, you will see there are four patterns. Specifically of how we are wired to think about money. But the question is what we think outside those patterns and how dependent we are on our psyche, which is unrelated to money itself but affects our budget. It’s a groundbreaking read, and it will change how you think about your savings and earnings for sure.