How to save money at Thanksgiving – here are a few tips
Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy some time with your loved ones. However, traditional Thanksgiving dinner cost quite a lot, and you don’t need to spend it stressing over the budget. After all, time is better spent while having an enjoyable day with friends and relatives.
Thankfully, financial advisors gave us a few tips to help you with saving money for a holiday. You can stop worrying about holiday budgeting woes and enjoy free time while it lasts.
Shop Early and Shop Wisely
That is the first rule. Find out what you already have in the pantry and map out your grocery list well before Thanksgiving Day. Purchase the necessities as you find suitable bargains. Remember, most of your needs for the side dishes will keep for some time. You may even be able to find a deal on a frozen turkey well before the holiday. However, if you wait until the last minute, you most likely end up paying a holiday premium.
Furthermore, if you plan to host a large group, it’s better to buy your supplies in bulk from warehouse stores. You can also check for bulk bargains at your local grocery store. If you love reading papers, you may find useful coupons in them or grocery store flyers, and don’t forget online coupon sites.
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Simple Decorations are better
There is no need for extravagant decorations to make the holiday special. It’s better to make your own simple decorations. Natural decorations such as pinecones, small gourds, or leaves can make a fabulous festive centrepiece. You can also check out thrift stores and dollar stores if you want to supplement your handiwork with inexpensive store-bought decorations.
Besides, after the holiday, you can check hobby and craft stores for discounted Thanksgiving decorations. You can store and use them for next year. However, you may want to wait until after the craziness of Black Friday is over.
Don’t go crazy over food
Leftovers are the part of Thanksgiving tradition. Still, traditions are no reason to fix far more food than everyone can eat. As people get sick of eating the same things day after day, quite a few leftovers go to waste every year.
However, you should have a pretty good idea of how much food to prepare if you have an accurate headcount for a holiday. You may have creative backup plans for any leftovers instead of just living off turkey sandwiches for days. For example, try using your leftover turkey creatively by including it in salads and casseroles. That will help you save money instead of wasting it on the food you don’t actually need.
Think about hosting a Potluck
Yes, consider splitting the mealtime burden up by making a potluck dinner. This will distribute the economic burden among the Thanksgiving table, along with offering a chance for new and interesting side dishes or desserts. You may even invent some tasty variations that become new family traditions.
However, consider coordinating the dishes with all of the expected guests. you don’t need to end up with 15 desserts and no side dishes.
The last rule – No Disposables
It’s true that paper plates and plastic utensils save some cleanup time. Still, they are an unnecessary expense. And the Thanksgiving holiday is a perfect time to take out the good china and fancy glassware or serving trays.
Hopefully, these tips will help you avoid budget stress at Thanksgiving. After all, if you are going to stress over Thanksgiving, it’s better to be for the traditional reasons, such as unexpected guests, the poor performance of your favourite football team, or political discussions at the dinner table.