India should phase out its coal-fired power plants by 2050


India should phase out its coal-fired power plants by 2050

According to a new report on the challenges, India should phase out its coal-fired power plants by 2050 in order to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by that time. The report says that’ll be posed in setting more optimistic climate targets.

Based on the report published by The Energy and Resources Institute, a New Delhi-based think-tank, and Royal Dutch Shell Plc, the nation will need to reduce coal’s share in electricity generation progressively, currently at around 65%, and remove it altogether by 2050. Another essential thing to note is that the share of renewables in the power mix needs to rise to 90%, a more than eight-fold increase from now.

A net-zero energy emissions target seems complicated. Kant says the sheer ambition of such a target should not make India extremely frightened or pessimistic.

Furthermore, Kant added that with the geographic position and the availability of vast potential of renewable energy, India has the potential of becoming a net-zero emission country. He says they will drive all administrative actions and investments towards that target.

If India follows the same way, emissions could more than double by 2050

These include lessening the emissions intensity of its economy and expanding non-fossil fuel electricity capacity to 40% of the total. According to government data, a goal it is close to reaching already. However, absolute emissions continue to increase, and if the country follows the same way, emissions could more than double by 2050.

According to a chief executive officer at NITI Aayog, Amitabh Kant, India should embrace the net-zero challenge and work to achieve this goal.

A net-zero energy emissions target seems complicated. Kant says the sheer ambition of such a target should not be a reason for India to be extremely frightened or become pessimistic.

Kant added that with the geographic position and the availability of vast potential of renewable energy, India can become a net-zero emission country. He says they will drive all administrative actions and investments towards that target.

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