Google’s Android is Ready to Stand Earthquakes

Google’s Android is Ready to Stand Earthquakes

Google’s Android is Ready to Stand Earthquakes

The technology to detect earthquakes using smartphones finally arrives, exclusively for the Android operating system.

Alphabet’s Google introduces an earthquake early warning tool on its Android devices. The first part of the feature will roll out in California today.

Google partnered with the United States Geological Survey and California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services to bring earthquake alerts to Android users in the state.

According to experts, California has an almost hundred percent chance to experience a magnitude 6.7 shaking in the next 30 years. After a magnitude 5.1 shaking rocked North Carolina and Virginia on August 8, citizens are more enthusiastic about the development of the new feature.

Most smartphones come with accelerometers that detect acceleration forces including the P-wave, the first movement that comes out of an earthquake. This is less damaging than its successor S-wave.

Google will capitalize on this feature to turn its smartphones functioning into mini seismographs. This marks another milestone in the big tech company’s contribution to modern technology.

If the phone detects a tremor, particularly a magnitude 4.5 and greater, the phone will send a signal to Google’s earthquake detection server entailing details on the location where the shaking occurred.

In return, the server will determine the epicenter and magnitude. Users will then be notified through a loud ringing about the occurrence, including instructions to drop, cover, and hold.

No app download is necessary for the 2.5 billion users of the Android Operating System.

The technology giant said in a statement that they are racing the speed at which the phone signals travel against the speed of the destruction.

The birth of Google’s program emerged after a week-long program in 2015, testing whether accelerometers in phones could detect car crashes and natural disasters.


Move Away From the Traditional Shake Alert

According to technology news, earthquakes that the system detects will be used to improve the speed and accuracy of earthquake information on Google search.

Users are instructed to look up “earthquake” or “earthquake near me” in the search bar when the user feels the ground shaking. The results will also include the steps that the user should do afterward.

A few seconds ahead of warning will help the user prepare for the upcoming dilemma. This results to less injury, casualty, and property damage.

If proven effective, warnings could spread to more countries including in developing countries with few traditional sensors like Indonesia.

The system will not work on China where the company’s Play Services is blocked. Similarly, iPhone units do not come with built-in alerts but rely heavily on apps that send signals after the tremor began.

The initiative by Google will mitigate the growing cost of natural disasters not only on properties but also on lives by prevention and proactive response.

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